Laboratory services

Chemical department

Our chemical department researches mainly feed and feed raw materials. Some of our basic analyses include the determination of dry weight, ash, protein and fat contents. In addition, we also carry out quality-determining analyses. TVN values indicate protein degradation and analyses that describe the quality of fat include peroxide values and free fatty acids. When needed, our chemical department also carries out other feed analyses, such as pH, formic acid content and salt determinations.

We offer the following analyses:

We offer the following analyses:

Microbiological department

Our microbiological department researches mainly feed and feed raw materials. In addition, we carry out salmonella tests from animal stool samples and environmental hygiene samples. When needed, we carry out the salmonella tests regarding feed, feed raw materials and environmental hygiene with a quick PCR method that enables us to get the analytical results within 24 hours after having received the samples. We analyze the samples also for pathogenic bacteria, spoiling microbes and indicator microbes.

Fevia Lab

Fevia Lab